How to Grow Your Youtube Channel in 2022 (Practical Way)

It’s been almost 5 years since I started my First Youtube channel, and I’ve learned an incredible amount 

along the way. There are so many things that you need to know when it comes to growing your youtube 
channel to achieve success, and there are even more tools out there to help you get started! Today, I 
am going to share with you some of the most important tips and tricks that helped me grow my 
Youtube channel over the past few years, as well as some of the best tools that will make your job 
much easier. Ready? Let’s go!

Pick a Niche

Figuring out your YouTube niche will allow you to grow your YouTube channel much more efficiently than trying to be appealing to everyone. It is so wonderful to be able to jump into the deep end with a YouTube niche, as there are many that exist, and then use a single video to start building an audience. Regardless, when you are choosing a niche for your videos, it's important to be specific and not overly broad. Determine who your target audience is for each video, and don't make videos for everyone.

Start by doing what you already do

If you're considering creating a YouTube channel, you may be the type of person who does well on camera. However, even if you're not that comfortable in front of the camera, there are free online courses that will teach you everything you need to know. Give the idea of your video some polish so it attracts enough viewers even if they don't know who you are.

Put more work into your titles and descriptions

The simplest way to get more views on YouTube is by investing more time into your title and description. Take a look at any of your favourite videos and you'll see just how much work went into crafting a perfect title. So that your video doesn't get lost among the thousands that are uploaded each day, it needs to stand out. It must have a compelling description and be optimized for search engines, if necessary.

Be Consistent

Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. – Dwayne Johnson
Consistency is key for YouTube growth. You won't be able to hit 10,000 views per month if you don't consistently upload and promote videos on your channel. Set goals that are both attainable and specific and stay dedicated to them for an entire year. By December you'll see how much you've improved. It takes time, but it's worth it! The key is consistency and a healthy bit of patience. Organic views will happen over time as long as people are following you on Instagram or YouTube. They might even subscribe to us!

Master the art of giving and asking for likes, comments, & shares

In order to ask someone for a like, comment, or share, it's necessary to have provided that person with a sufficient value beforehand. But by occasionally engaging in relevant and timely comments on their channel or in their content, people will be more likely to support your work by engaging with it.

Don’t be Afraid to Try New Things

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. ― Robert F. Kennedy
Everyone wants their channel to grow, but it's easy to get stuck in a perfectionist loop and not release videos because they don't feel perfect. I recommend adopting a new mindset - one where you let yourself release videos, imperfections and all, that can learn from its potential and gain from experience. If you don't hit a home run every time, that's fine! Just like you shouldn't take it personally if you're rejected by one person, you shouldn't give up on a project just because it doesn't work for the type of channel you want to create. The most important thing is to take chances and show the successes to your audience—this way, if a less-than-perfect video gets traction (which it most likely will), you can continue to focus on bettering it instead of getting stuck on it.

With Love, Remiel 😁